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8 Best Ways to Learn Web Development for Beginners

Date Published : 4/24/2024 Author : Maryam Shaikh

There are higher possibilities you have searched for ways to learn web development effectively. Still, they either have too much technical jargon or are dull when reading the information. Searching for to-the-point information on the web is a task, and let me assure you that your search will end here.

We’ll start with the fundamental yet profound question, determining your “why to learn web development.” Then, we’ll dive into technical basics such as languages, tools, and valuable resources a beginner must know.


Let’s dive into eight ways to start learning web development without wasting your time!

1. Finding your why.

Have you ever signed up for an online course or started a YouTube playlist enthusiastically, only to get lost in a pool of tutorials within a month? This is unsurprising since every learner goes through this, especially when they lack a clear purpose for their learning endeavor. What differentiates the lost ones from those who build their dream website is that they know the “why.”

Your “why” is a compass guiding your learning. Do you dream of getting an excellent developer job? Or maybe freelancing where you are the boss is your thing. Maybe there is an idea you really want to execute on the web. Let your reason be anything; write it down, and shout it out. Do whatever you can to keep it fixed in your mind. This will be the motivation to push you forward when the learning session becomes your nightmare!

Never forget that a strong “why” paves the way for an explicit “how.” When you know your final goal, you can put your energy into figuring out the most effective path to reach there. This will undoubtedly involve effective time management, searching for the best learning resources, or devoting yourself to consistent practice. A purpose in mind will never leave you scattered. Instead, you’ll be laser-focused on your productivity and determined to turn your thoughts into action.

2. Choose your front-end, back-end, or full-stack website developer role.


Let’s understand these roles by imagining the website as a restaurant, where the front end is the immaculate ambiance, the menu with mouthwatering food descriptions, and the overall attraction that catches your eye. Whereas the back-end is when you ask for a particular dish (requested on the website), how fast the service was delivered, ensuring the ingredients are fresh and perfectly curated as you requested is what truly gives your experience.

Front-End Developer: Are you inclined towards the visual appeal and user experience? Then, you will be well suited for front-end development, where you design the look and feel to appeal to the user by crafting user-friendly buttons and menus with a smooth user interface that guides the user to navigate through.

Back-End Developer: Does problem-solving and working with data interest you? The back end is where building logic, problem-solving, writing APIs, and working with databases to store, retrieve, and manipulate data. If implementing server-side logic, which is the backbone of a website, feels suitable for you, go for back-end development.

Full-Stack Developer: Jack of both trades in the world of web development as they work on both ends of a website, from designing a visually appealing website to back-end database management; for a beginner, it is recommended to start with one end and then diving deeper since it allows you to develop a strong foundation before getting into complexities just like learning knife skills before tackling challenging recipes!

3. Knowing the critical languages.

Front-End Development.
HTML: Skeleton of a website as it provides a basic structure that holds everything together. 
CSS: Skin of a website. Adds designing to a dull, plain website.
Bootstrap: CSS Framework to speed up your website front-end building. (This is CSS Framework and not a programming language)
JavaScript: The brain of a website; it provides functionality to website components.

Let’s understand with an example.

HTML will help with where to place a Button on a website (layout or blueprint), CSS will add to its looks - colors and design of the button (styling), and JavaScript will determine what will happen if the user clicks on it (interactivity).


Back-End Development.

  • Python: 
    Due to its easy-to-learn syntax, abundance of online learning resources, and overall accessibility, Python has become a popular choice for beginner programmers.
    Python has its web framework, Django, which is coded in Python.
    Django is mainly a backend framework but has features that make it easy to use in conjunction with the front end.
    MVT (Model, View, Template) structure makes redirecting and rendering dynamic content easy.
  • JavaScript: 
    It comes with easy-to-grasp syntax and does not require much complex knowledge of data types. 
    If you choose to go with JS and get into both ends of your application, MERN Stack can be a good choice for you, as it is the complete package. MongoDB- Database
    Express.JS- NodeJS Web Framework
    ReactJS- client-side JS Framework
    Node.JS- A JavaScript web server for building web applications.
  • PHP:
    If you are looking for something deeply rooted in the web development industry, then you are looking for PHP.
    It is compatible with most web protocols and standards and can work with other languages with extensions and libraries.
  • Java:
    Learning Java is difficult to swallow with its OOP (object-oriented programming) structure.
    It has a more profound learning curve, making it not a first choice for newbies. Still, if you show determination to learn, it allows you to get into more profound OOP concepts, which later can be incorporated into other languages.

4. Find a Web Dev Buddy: Connect with Others.

Feeling stuck staring at lines of code? Find a web dev buddy to be your savior at challenging times; having a partner to learn along with can boost your productivity.

Sharing your challenges and new ideas with them allow you to stay in the flow of learning and not bouncing off, holding each other accountable will benefit both.

Finding a reliable and motivated partner can be a task if you do not already have someone around, explore groups on LinkedIn and hashtags specific to web development and once you find someone who shares the same interest approach them with a project you are already working on and ask if they’ll like to join you.


5. Utilize Free Online Courses & Tutorials.

Here are some free resources for learning web development:

  • freeCodeCamp: There is nothing better than this for a beginner to get their hands on and learn step-by-step. 
    It offers a free curriculum to help people learn to code. 
    Their website includes interactive coding challenges and provides certification on completion.
  • Codecademy: It is a free website with an abundance of practice projects.
    This provides an interactive interface and lists free courses to take.
    There are also paid courses, but free courses will do the job for a beginner.
  • YouTube: This is a no-brainer as to how much you can get from YouTube.
    There is a pool of tutorials and playlists specifically curated for web development.
    Some of the best YouTube channels to learn web development are: 
    • Anuj Bhaiyya.
    • Programming with Mosh.
    • CodeWithHarry (famous amongst beginners).
    • Net Ninja.
    • Love Babbar.
    • Thapa Technical.
  • Udemy and Coursera: 
    Various tutors provide structured courses and projects to do.
    A more comprehensive selection of paid courses might be available, but free ones won’t disappoint either.
    Focus your search on “beginner-level free tutorials” and “beginner projects” to get knowledge and projects to implement them.
    Provides a roadmap for developers of all levels to achieve their career goals.
    Get roadmaps based on roles or skills you want to acquire.
    Specifies best practices to be followed by Web Developers.

6. Build Interesting Portfolio.

 Make your efforts visible by building an exciting portfolio - every work you have done or are learning needs to be advertised. 


Points to keep in mind while building a portfolio website:

  1. Showcase your tech stack.
  2. Maintain presence on GitHub. 
  3. Deploy your projects and provide live links.
  4. Highlight what you have learned from your projects.
  5. Note skills you look forward to enhancing.


7. Learn by Implementing and Continuous Practice.

Now, when you have the information a beginner needs to know, the only job you must do is to get started! Download your editor, VS Code, which is a great IDE, and start writing your first code; choose your languages and frameworks, and make VS Code your playground.

There is no other way than trial and error to learn any concept and get better at it. Don’t slack off if any problem arises either read documentation or search the web, if you still can’t figure out the solution take a break and try solving again but never back off!

8. Devote Your Time.


How long will it take to complete the web development journey? Learning HTML, CSS, and JS from scratch will take around 3–4 months and a year or more to complete full web development, given that you have devoted your time sincerely.

Divide your time: Have separate time blocks of learning, solving, and finding new resources so you always have the next step to take and never have to scratch your head about what to do now whenever your mind’s wandering.

Look for solutions at the right time: If you get stuck anywhere, AI chatbots like ChatGPT or Google Gemini will get you out if you provide vital prompts. Any solution you seek is just a search away, but don’t just go after finding solutions on the web. Try multiple times on your own to solve the problem, then look for solutions.


Now you have attained the foundational knowledge starting from your “why to learn” to resources and languages to grasp to kickstart your website development learning journey. Grab your keyboard and start investing your time and effort to build your project, keeping the importance of time management and the right resources in mind.

All being said, consistent effort with your learning journey will never disappoint you. It’s always better to take breaks to recharge your brain to attain information better and keep it charged.

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